Welcome to the eberron wiki, a wiki about the eberron campaign setting for the 3. The templars are the warriors and exorcists, in charge of protecting the church by means of arms and spells. This site is like a library, you could find million book here by using search box in the header. This lavishly illustrated visual guide explores the magical, medieval fantasy world of eberron. First, an entire hex map of the continent of xen drik. I recently wrapped up an eberron campaign and i wanted to share some homebrew stuff i made related to the game. Xen drik expeditions official rpga website for eberron. Now a band of warweary soldiers must brave the depths of xen drik in search of an artifact that is the last hope to save one of their own. Selected as the winner of the 2002 fantasy setting search the eberron campaign setting was created by author and game designer keith baker. Legends speak of titanic landmarks, sunken treasure vaults, and forgotten places suffused with powerful magic. Monster manual, city of stormreach, all other wizards of the coast product names, and their in a single ward within sharnbut it is a free city. The dragon above formerly the eberron bestiary, but has a bunch of other information. View entire discussion 7 comments more posts from the eberron community. Universal item x 11 valenar x 1 wand x 1 warforged x 17 warforged components x 17 weapon x 25 weapon property x 5 wonder x 1 wondrous item x 38 xen drik x 17 xen drik.
Explorers who chase distant horizons might find themselves infiltrating the demonhaunted city of ashtakala, prowling the jungles of xen drik, snatching relics from the city of the dead, or invading a dragon observatory n the mountains of argonnessen. My players and i sat around and talked for hours about which direction certain warforgedcentric campaigns could go, and we had a blast devising and then running through several different flavors which took advantage of this new, unique race. At the height of these empires they covered much of the. Elves who share a common ancestor will compete with each other to become the perfect embodiment of their patron. Trolls are extremely large humanoids with long, ungainly arms and legs. Xen drik, meanwhile, is sometimes called the ruined land for the number of g iant bui l t s t. The original source book was published in 2004 and was strongly pushed with the release of version 3. It will dive into parts of eberron that have received little attention in prior books, including the undersea civilizations and the planes. City of stormreach explores the most important frontier city of xen drik, where opportunity and peril walk handinhand.
Xendrik is a continent on the planet eberron located primarily in the southern hemisphere south of the continent of khorvaire. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so dont worry about it. Terrible monsters rule xendrik now, and explorers searching for gold or glory often find death instead. In order to save the city, the pcs must find the one thing that can stop him, an enormous siberys dragonshard hidden somewhere in the jungles of the lost continent of xen drik. The shattered cities and vast dungeons of xendrik hold the secrets of countless fallen empires. The prince of bones is an elderly war troll that rules the lands around suthar draal under the aegis of the daughters of sora kell. That, and theres threads out there on the subject of doing toa in xen drik as well as a pdf on dmguild. Eberron collectors guide morrus unofficial tabletop. Most aredungeons and dragons but a few are for other games. Eberron is a campaign setting different from previous campaign eberron campaign setting 3. Secrets of xendrik is an accessory for the eberron setting that explores the. Aerenal, argonnessen, khyber, sarlona, xendrik, and a pleasant surprise with a spotlight on the frostfell and everice at the north and south poles. In the eberron setting, he is also said to be the drow version of the mockery.
Eberron sourcebook pdf people really seem to love eberron. We grabbed a copy pretty much right away, and after a few days to read through it and digest the. Despite its small population, stormreach is an important city because of its location, allowing easy docking access to travelers wishing to enter xen drik. Incarnum, miniatures handbook, players guide to eberron, players handbook ii, races of destiny, races of the dragon, races of eberron, races of stone, races of the wild, sandstorm, secrets of xen drik, sharn. Want to explore the caverns of khyber, the jungles of xen drik, the lost city of the giants, or a quori monolith. Little is known about northern xen drik, even less is know about the interior of southern xen drik, which may be summed up with south of xen drik is the land mass of everice. Nov 22, 2019 khorvaire isnt the beallendall of eberron, and this section gives us a briefing on the other continents and locales.
Pathfinder golarion world map pathfinder worldmap pathfinder golarion karte pathfinder rpg world map pathfinder maps pdf pathfinder golarion jade regent maps tagged with informative, gaming, rpg, pathfinder, lore. Organizationsthe aurumthe blood of volthe chamberchurch of the silver flamecults of the dragon belowdragonmarked houseshouse cannithhouse deneithhouse ghallandahouse jorascohouse kundarakhouse lyrandarhouse medanihouse orienhouse phiarlanhouse sivishouse tharashkhouse thurannihouse vadalis. Mulraargo, the tarskinned troll is a menace that lurks within the soggy fens of xen drik. Xendrik s coastline has been mapped, but its interior remains largely unexplored, and the continent has a reputation as a land of secrets, danger, and mystery. An adventurers guide to eberron eberron wiki fandom powered by wikia. How does xen work 5 domain u hvm guest xen virtual firmware domain 0 qemudm domain u pv guest network driver block driver pv drivers. He has unveiled the cover to his new book, to be released in december march soon tm on dms guild in pdf and print on demand hardcover. Eladrin often appear uncomfortable in eberron owing to the horrors eberron has recently undergonehorrors that have rippled out to the eladrin and thelanis. Eberron explorers handbook 2005, by david noonan, frank brunner and rich burlew, is designed for those who dream of seeking out the dark and mysterious corners of eberron s world. It is an extensive list, but it is missing many of the living campaigns see yesterdays post, so i am posting the following to fill out the list. The eberron collectors guide was more challenging than dark sun, because of the number of web articles and somewhat poorly documented mark of heroes and xen drik expeditions organised play campaigns. This book contains a comprehensive overview of xen drik and the gateway city of stormreach.
This wiki was created with the intention of creating a complete and readily available repository of fanbased information about the eberron setting developed by wizards of the coast and keith baker in 2004. A land shrouded in mystery where monsters and dark powers stalk the jungles, where only the bravest and most foolhardy will venture. Download annex eberron or read online books in pdf, epub, tuebl, and mobi format. I may also include a mysterious plague as an element motivating the trip, to find a doctor knowledgeable about the symptoms. Wayfinders guide to eberron, available on the dungeon masters guild. The concept involves a party based in sharn accepting a wager on behalf of an acquaintance. Please be warned that although we try our best there are still.
Giants built the first civilization on eberron eighty thousand years ago on the continent of xendrik. A land of onceproud empires that now low lie in ruin. Climb aboard an elemental airship and visit wondrous locations, from the soaring spires of sharn and monolithic mountain strongholds of the mror holds to the cyclopean ruins of xen drik and the gleaming glaciers of the frostfell. Eberron campaign setting the major one players guide to eberron brief overview of eberron races of eberron detailed look at changelings, kalashtar, warforged and shifters. Many natives of eberron believe eladrin are newcomers to the world, but the race has in fact been around since its birth. Incarnum, miniatures handbook, players guide to eberron, players handbook ii, races of destiny, races of the dragon, races of eberron, races of stone, races of the wild, sandstorm, secrets of xendrik, sharn. Explorers in xen drik, qbarra, or adar might stumble across a weathered statue or faded image scratched into a cavern wall, but the dragons left few traces of their dominion with one exception. Those books such as the explorers handbook and secrets of xen drik would probably fit better into something like the ddi. The giants and their slaves, drow and elves, built sprawling cities and massive.
Our goal is to help you understand what a file with a. Sure, your rank and file beat cop will probably be in the armor uniform with a weapon to provide a police presence, but specialized officers dont have to be. Xen drik s coastline has been mapped, but its interior remains largely unexplored, and the continent has a reputation as a land of secrets, danger, and mystery. Jimthibault rated it it was amazing jan 25, sep 04, james bowman rated it really liked it shelves. Eberron campaign setting 86400 deluxe dungeon masters screen 95006 character sheets the forge of war explorers handbook 17869 faiths of eberron 953817200 five nations 17868 magic of eberron 882917200 players guide to eberron 953687200 races of eberron secrets of xen drik 953727200 sharn, city of towers 86420 grasp of the emerald claw 17730 shadows. Annex eberron download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi. Get ebooks annex eberron on pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi and audiobook for free. Encased in a handy pocket folder featuring a beautiful piece of eberron artwork, each character folio is four pages long and includes extensive space for a character record, as well as roleplaying information and campaign progress. It is a very unmapped area, and as such it leaves the continent open to the dm to fill with whatever he feels appropriate. Xendrik is a huge part of the eberron campaign setting, and as such it has a whole book, secrets of xendrik dedicated to it. Xendrik is a fictional continent in eberron, consisting of a jungle continent of vast size and varying climate that lies to the south of khorvaire. The history of the city stretches back across the age of.
If you want to use it in roll20, the map is too big and youre going to need to split it up to make it smaller. Leave a comment on eberron stormreach pdf to understand the culture of stormreach, one must look to its history. Aerenal is ruled by both the sibling kings, a brother and sister pair that serves. In faiths of eberron, youll find many faiths and many dictory truths might. Its nominally 3rd edition compatible, but the book is largely. After twenty thousand years of building their empires in xendrik, giant explorers left the continent and started exploring the world and the seas of eberron. Scott, sometimes credited as amber scott, is a freelance writer whose work includes contributions to the pathfinder chronicles campaign setting, pathfinder adventure path, and pathfinders journal, the 2006 eberron supplement secrets of xendrik published by wizards of the coast, and articles for dragon.
A source book for play and exploration across the mysterious eberron continent of xendrik, this first indepth book. Im planning to run an eberron airship campaign inspired by around the world in eighty days. Ebook secrets of xen drik as pdf download portable. Eberron creator keith baker has been busy recently. Eberron collectors guide morrus unofficial tabletop rpg news.
There are more than 1 million books that have been enjoyed by people from all over the world. To understand the culture of stormreach, one must look to its history. Download link from urldecrypt, direct link under maintenance. Fortune favors the bold the world of the eberron setting holds many wonders beyond the soaring spires of sharn. I ended up splitting it into five pieces, but it never actually saw use in the game. Inside this book, youll find everything you need to adventure in the continent of xendrik. The shattered cities and vast dungeons of xen drik hold the secrets of countless fallen empires. Dec 17, 2019 the planned settings announcement went live on july 23rd, and to accompany it came the pdf of the wayfinders guide to eberron dont worry, well pay due attention to the guildmasters guide to ravnica when it comes out later this year. At the height of these empires they covered much of the continent. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Always update books hourly, if not looking, search in the book search column. Its a dungeon punk setting influenced by pulp serials, indiana jones and film noir, as opposed to classical high fantasy. More information on the xen virtual firmware is presented later in this document. In the world of eberron, the realms of the gods depends on the belief of the followers.
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